
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ice-block For Breakfast

Ice-block For Breakfast

I woke up at 7:00am and fell back asleep.  Now its 9:50 I had 10 minutes left and I normally eat breakfast at 11am - 5pm, after the hangout I went to the fridge and got an ice-block, my favourite ice block is Memphis Oozing Caramel. So delicious! Its 11:07 right now im going back to sleep, i’ll set an alarm for 12:30 for a snack and another hangout

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Small Used Things In Maths

Small used things in Mathematics

Similar Figures 
Figures that have the same shape but ones either bigger or smaller

Units of times

Second - 1000 Miliseconds

Minute - 60 Seconds

Hour - 60 Minute

Day - 24 Hours

Week - 7 Days

Month - 4 Weeks

Year - 12 Months

Tens Frame
These are used if you find adding and subtracting hard, or 
making groups of numbers

A copy of yourself, you can see your reflection if you look into a mirror, lake,
 glass, window, shiny surfaces

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Sorry the images are taken upside down (they were taken upside down
because if I did it properly then it would be so blurry and dark)

Thursday, April 2, 2020

100 Layers Of Clothes (actually 18) By Jasnoor (Hated it

100 Layers Of Clothes 
(actually 18)

By Jasnoor
(Hated it

About it
A bit about it: the struggle was real to take of that one last hoodie I nearly cried of frustration, 
I couldn't do anymore just to tiring and a good challenge but there is no hella way some
more t shirts or hoodies could go on top of that last hoodie 

The feeling was awesome because Iḿ finally got permission to do fun silly things (like that)