
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monday November 25th 2019, Painful Dental Appointment...

Monday November 25th 2019
Painful Dental Appointment...

They put a needle through the inside of my cheek!!!!!!! Firstly they put my tooth to sleep the one that is on the left backside bottom of my mouth and it hurt then they grabbed a sharp needle, then I felt the prick and tears went down my eyes, I cried for a little bit then the side of my tounge fell asleep and my bottom lip, so I was stupid (actaully smart) enough to do this, I bit my tounge as hard as I could and it felt like nothing it felt nice though and I bit my lip and I couldn’t feel anything then I tried to open my mouth as wide as I could but I couldn't then I tried to close my mouth and now my teeth can not touch so my lips have to secure it or that tooth that is asleep since If I try the prick hurts and this is the second closing and the tiny needle nearly went through I still have the same mark (so I'm Going to hide the mark with a plaster because it is just sore and ugly I mean plasters are meant to help ugly sores and painful things right)and the pain is terifying...

Be Your Own You

Being Gluten Free On A Birthday Party (This is the first birthday my uncle Lucky ever celebrated in his life)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Puppies - Narative


Don’t puppies look adorable their really loyal to, their eyes are just beads of
cuteness and the sad thing now is that why are puppies getting abused, I
don't get it! They should be equally loved like you and your siblings should
be, and even sadder why do you leave your dogs on the road? Now seriously
starting it. Foster homes and forests If you look closer you'll notice that dogs get
strangled in sticks and get lost in the woods or forests and they get ridden over.
Living in a foster home is hard, especially for puppies, they still get love there,
now to say it being in a foster home hurts because you start their by losing
your parent or you ran away and for puppies it's the same they might have
been found further away from their actual home, their happy place... . Puppies,
why abuse them, i’m not saying it's right to abuse kids instead of puppies but
look into the eyes and think to yourself is this right.  Of course it's not so don’t
take your anger out on those cute cuddly puppies, instead walk outside and think
about what you tried to do.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

What I Give Myself for writing, writing sample/writing essay

What I would Give myself

Title: The Marae - A Special Place In The Community
Target - 31 and over 
Page Score - /48
Goal - In Between 40 and 48 

A Marae is a place where you can celebrate the different times of the year such as birthdays,
huis (eg Meetings), hakas, maori new year, tangis. Use education for an example of things you can
learn in the marae! Another reason the marae is a special place in the community is hauora. Hauora is
safety and being healthy, how you feel physically and emotionally

 A Marae is a cultural place where celebrations happen such as Birthdays for the start of adulthood,
There is meetings to protect the lands, rivers, mountains, followed by educational workshops, tangi. A
tangi is a sad event placed in a marae for death. A taingi is also a well respected event in a marae, people
bring their dead relative, friend, mate and family member there so the dead person can get the blessings
from their iwi.

Education! Back in the day there were no schools to go to but maori learnt in a marae, they learnt
how to interact in english and they were taught waiatas and hakas and powhiri, even now the marae is
still open for education in te reo maori since now in the 2000 the community is going more for english and
forgetting about te reo as more foreigners are coming into the country. 

Hauora is where your health matters, by the emotions and all, helping one another makes them
mentally happy and you, it’s not only about you in a marae it is about the community and your
living surroundings. Hauora is being well physically, emotionally

In Conclusion, a marae is a special cultural place because all of these happen, Celebrations,
Education, Hauora feeling well mentally and physically.
This is why the marae is a really special place!!! 

Structure  Language
Sentence Structure

Writing Essay: /48 real score
The Marae

A marae is a sacred home for the community, you can celebrate all sorts of events like birthdays, huis,
workshop meetings, weddings, tangis which is a really respected event. Back in the day school wasn’t open
so tribes got taught in a marae so they can be educated. In a marae the ancestors want to make sure everyones
healthy, hauora is how you feel emotionally, physically, mentally.

One of the most respected events out of all weddings, huis, workshop meetings, birthdays is tangis. A tangi is
the most respected event because it is about the death of some one, a person brings the dead person to the marae
so the dead person can get blessings before they have to leave. The relative, family member or friend will say their
goodbyes. A tangi is a way to find connections to you might see distant relatives.

The community go to a marae since in our schools their isn't much people to teach te reo or tomata
karakia, himene, waiata and mihi powhiris, hakas. A marae is open to anyone who wants to learn te reo or
powhiri and be a proud maori, a marae is still open for education.

Hauora is how you feel mentally, physically and emotionally not only you but others, since humanity was
said to be unfair, the community helps everyone in the marae like prepare dishes all together and do tasks
so it is done faster not only will you feel better but they will too so it's about hauora to the community.  

In conclusion a marae is a heritage it's a sacred and historical place with all the koru patterns. Being able to
celebrate events in a marae. Now maori humanity can learn the country's language, but noticing you can tell
so many foreigners are coming, so english is now used more than te reo. Hauora is your health and how you
are individually feeling well, healthy, safe takes way confidential feelings (how you feel about yourself).
Governmental research shows that a marae is a perfect companion for foreigners to see the sculptures.

Structure  Language
Sentence Structure


Total:  0/48

my real one, my teach will mark this and ill update it

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Insulators and Conductors

so this is Read Theory again... as I said this is a reading online site so starting of. Insulators and Conductors. so a charger has the plastic or rubber cover but have you ever wandered what was inside, inside is tiny pieces of metals that let power/energy flow through to reach your ear or you laptop charging plot.    

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Kapa Haka 2019 Tuesday Week 9 17/9/2019

Kapa Haka: I enjoyed it so much. These are the photos we took on
the buss. hope you like the photos

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Go Teachers... . Our Tautoro Staff

Another Comment

What Is Inquiry

My Gifs


My Maths Practice For IKAN (Take 2)

Cybersmart (Be It... .Feel It... . Touch it)


What is it!
What does it look like!
What does it feel like!

Cybersmart. Cybersmart is a word to define smart online,
some of us are smart online and some of us are leaking our
information there are such websites such as Twitter, Facebook,
Google, Instagram and other Social Media apps where you text
unknown people.

Q: What kind of information should I write on my blog that won’t
let anyone know who I am?
A: if you feel stuck and you want to express yourself in a way but
you don’t want to leak privacy you should start of with…

1: Birthday
You should never tell anyone your birthday so never tell anyone the
date of your birth like this 9/7/2001 (This is a fake date) instead you
should say it's been ____ months since my birthday or I already had
my birthday.
2: What I like to do
So as an instant you might say I love taking my dog to the park.
You should never tell which park you take your dog to and which
days do you go to the park. There are so many things you might like
to do and it won't hurt yourself if you say “I like video games” “I play
Fortnite” or ….   

Cybersmart Looks Cool.
If you actually look around or stroll around social media you
would see so many videos and things and even secrets so not being
Cybersmart is not smart and cool, but you are here and your not
telling millions of things about yourself.

Cybersmart Feels… .
Cybersmart feels awesome you can't see it but atleast no ones
after you, and you know your safe,

Remember No Matter How Much You Hate Someone
NEVER. Leak there privacy because you are deflecting Cybersmart. 

Stay Cybersmart 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

My 2 Favourite Spots Are...

Image result for dreams
I always walk to the bus and wondered where my
favourite spot is, my favourite spot is in my dreams.
If I tell you something, Don't Tell Anyone!!! So I can
choose my dreams sometimes you might be saying
how is that possible!. Well I think of the thing I want to do
than I slowly drift down to sleep, I have even controlled my
dreams so I thought about being in a lost hospital with
zombies, I controlled where I walked what I picked up and
what I do, every time I wake up I am still tired, I loved that
dream and every time this person comes into my dreams and
the dream just fades away and I wake up but 
every time I try to remember who the person was, my brain hits
it and I don’t know,   
The sad thing is that I cant reenter into the dream and continue.
And my favourite spot is my dreams
Image result for amrit sahib
I have seen images of it on google and it is really known
no matter what your religion is, you're still welcome to this
special place, this special place serves 100,000 meals a day
so in a month is around 3,000,000 or more at night the lights
shimmer, the shimmery glow can tell the story it is very beautiful
and light
at night, this is a special Marae and no I am not comparing it to
others but this one stands out in my heart.
This Marae tells the story of how the Hindu leader tried to take
over the Sikh's land (Castle) and there as a war once the
Sikhs found out they told their leader and that leader came
up with a plan and stayed calm the plan was not deadly and
no enemy will die, the Sikhs had big challenges to up come
and they happen to come betrayed and hurt
This special Marae is located in India Punjab 
The name is really respected no religion in India has ever
talked behind backs for this Marae
Amrit Sahib or Amritsar is the name and
that means Golden Temple 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Magnetisim -Walt: Focus On The Structure Of Magnetic Forces

Walt: Focus On The Structure Of Magnetic Forces.
Tittle: Magnetism 

What I Knew Before: I knew that Magnets could stick to metal
and those kind of things it can also stick to a fridge and a whiteboard
& I knew that a magnet can detect like on of those metal detectors
and under those detectors are magnets and magnetic forces.

What I learned: A piece of iron (or an ore, alloy, or other material)
that has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits
properties of magnetism, such as attracting other iron-containing
objects or aligning itself in an external magnetic field

What I found Boring: That there are hundreds of things to
learn about magnets. 

What I found fascinating: That Magnets can stick to their
own type and they also come in different sizes and shapes
they come in hearts and like toy shapes too

What I Rate Or Personally think: I found magnets a fun
subject and magnets seem so fun and there made by
electricity meaning < made by solar power]