What will happen to the world if the water ran out, who or what
would it effect in my words
would it effect in my words
What/who will the loss of water effect
* Humans
* Animals
* Country/town/place/city
* Landscape
* Attitude
1: Humans need water to stay healthy and fit lets say if
you exercise, run or do Pe/Sports you are going to need a
lot of water.
you exercise, run or do Pe/Sports you are going to need a
lot of water.
Our body's are made up of 60% water so if we run out our
body will be low on blood and our body will slowly rot.
body will be low on blood and our body will slowly rot.
2: After 2 - 3 days animals would dehydrate and slowly die.
and they wouldn't be able to eat healthy grass.
and they wouldn't be able to eat healthy grass.
3: our country's civilisation will go down quickly/meaning
the population of the country would go down right now!!
The population is 4,709,624 right now... . We would go
down thousands!!!!.
the population of the country would go down right now!!
The population is 4,709,624 right now... . We would go
down thousands!!!!.
4: Our Landscape will go to crust and grass would feel
like sticks. Fruits and vegetables would not be able to
grow as the landscape would be ruined. Trees will be
dead meaning, less oxygen is just as bad as polluted air
or even worse… .
like sticks. Fruits and vegetables would not be able to
grow as the landscape would be ruined. Trees will be
dead meaning, less oxygen is just as bad as polluted air
or even worse… .
5: without water our minds would be thinking different
we will be doing stupid things like burning a house down
and wonder whos going to try stop the house from burning
exactly no one will because the firefighters wont be able
to use water
we will be doing stupid things like burning a house down
and wonder whos going to try stop the house from burning
exactly no one will because the firefighters wont be able
to use water
We Need Water!!!!
What we can do to help!
* Not take baths and take 1-5 minute showers
* turn off the tap while brushing teeth and instead of
taking a hair shower get dry shampoo
taking a hair shower get dry shampoo
1: maybe instead of taking long baths or long showers why
not only take a 1 - 5 minute shower as that will help a lot
and it will keep our tanks full
not only take a 1 - 5 minute shower as that will help a lot
and it will keep our tanks full
2: Using dry shampoo would help a lot to, I mean come on.
You don't need to rinse your hair or wait for it to dry.
What an amazing invention
You don't need to rinse your hair or wait for it to dry.
What an amazing invention
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